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Founding Date :  October 26, 1975

- 41 years  in serving the Rural Electrification Program

- AAA KPS Rating

- Classified as MEGA LARGE  Electric Cooperative

- Covering  3 Municipalities, (Babatngon, Tacloban & Palo)

LEYECO II is a non-stock, non-profit electric cooperative created under Presidential Decree 269 with its aim to provide rural electrification program throughout its area coverage within Tacloban, Palo and Babatngon. It stands as one of the outstanding electric cooperatives throughout the country and is categorized as an A plus EC (the highest categorization of an Electric Coop) by its supervising government agency - the National Electrification Administration.

Since 1998, LEYECO II has attained 100% barangay energization and is now on the path of going beyond the call of service by embarking corporate social responsibility programs for the welfare of its consumer-members. After all, the EC adheres to the tag - "LAMRAG HA KINABUHI, LAMRAG HAN LEYECO II" (Light of Life, Light of LEYECO II) which fully embraces to transform lives and enhance communties.. 

The creation of this webpage page is directed to provide the accurate, necessary and updated information to our member-consumers who are also web browsers.. Objective and constructive comments, reactions and suggestions are most welcome..:)

Thank you for visiting our page..:)


- 89% Potential Connection served

- 100%  Barangays Energized

- 139 Employees @ 438 Connections / Employee

- 6.01 Php/kWh  Average Power Rate

- 7.91 Php/kWh  Average System Rate

- 6.92 Systems Loss   (Single Digit)

- Circuit  kms of Lines  607 km

- Consumer Density / Circuit  km of Lines  100 km

- Ave. Residential Sales in kWh (Jan-Dec 2016) 135 kWh

- Substation Capacity  (kVA)   60,000

LEYECO 2 Logo Source Complete PNG.png


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